Saturday 5 March 2016

I'm in love with Simon Sinek

I have watched almost every one of Simon Sineks TedX talks and read almost everything I could that he has had printed. There are two right now that I am trying to process and make sense of are,  “ Why Leaders Eat Last” and “Why Good leaders make you feel safe”. These are two very powerful talks that he gives, and if you haven’t seen them, I strongly suggest you take the time to watch them.

When I first heard the title, “why leaders eat last” it meant something completely different to me then what it does now. I asked my husband, a firefighter if this was the case. Does his Captain always eat last? This was something he had never thought about before, but his answer was yes! With that answer, I felt an immediate sense of relief, this is a man (the captain) that my husband will take orders from, including rushing in to a burning building, and he wont think twice about it, his Captain doesn’t demand respect, nor is their a rule book that states, “your crew must eat first”. In my eyes, this man is a born leader. He is taking care of his people and making sure that by eating last his people are taken care of….as a wife of a firefighter…I thank you!

I have been thinking a lot about the words that I heard and read, over and over again and what I can surmise is this.

People will feel safe in an organization if there is trust. Establishing trust, doesn’t take much, building trust requires nothing more than telling the truth. It’s that simple, we are not in a leadership role to break people, to make them cry, to watch them crumble, we are their to build them up and to be the best they can. But, we must have trust for this to happen.

I couldn’t sleep…so many of his words resonated loudly and the more I thought about them the louder the words got, and so I found that the next is so incredibly true regardless of where you are, whether it is the School in which you teach or the soccer pitch watching your kids, leaders set the tone and direction for the people. Hypocrites, liars and self-interested leaders create cultures that are in turn filled with hypocrites, liars and self-interested employees. The leaders, who tell the truth, in comparison, will inevitably create a culture of people who tell the truth. It's not rocket science people. We follow the good leaders.

Much of what Simon says had me thinking about where I am right now in my career. Wanting to be a leader, and not just any leader but a good leader. I think about the different personalities that each physical building will bring. I think about my own strengths and weaknesses and I think about the people and the people that have made the most impact on me. These people have all had one common ability. They have had the ability to make everyone (regardless of personality) feel safe. Safe to try new things, safe to take risks, safe to speak your mind and to challenge other peoples ideas. But when you don’t feel safe, people create their own personal bubble and have to manage dangers from inside their safety zone, this immediately decreases any chance of anyone facing danger or taking risks.
We must be there for our team, we must trust them and we must make them feel safe. "A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected." no further words are needed. 

Sunday 15 November 2015

All that glitters...

As I sit here reflecting on the events of the past week...I can not forget the events that not only happened in my classroom but around the world. I took this weekend to truly think what is important to me and not only did I write letters to my own two littles, hardest thing in the world to do, but worth it! I also took the time to write a letter to my students. Now, you have to understand I teach little humans so I doubt any of them can read my letter, In fact I know they can' hope is that these little humans have the bigger humans in their lives read it to them.

In light of everything that is happening in the world around us, I know that many of you are probably scared and have some really important and BIG questions. I just wanted to tell each and everyone of you that I truly appreciate and care for you.


  • You make me laugh so hard I cry
  • You brighten any dark day with your excitement and wonder
  • You teach me something new every single day
  • You are all individuals and our class would not be the same without each of you in it
  • Your smiles make my day
  • Your passion for learning is why I am here
  • You can grow up to be anything you want to be...don't stop dreaming

It is truly a joy and delight being your teacher!

Thank you for letting me guide you on this year of adventure and excitement.